Get Your Body Ready for Summer with Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal, summer, Dr. Jovanovic

The process of removing unwanted hair is annoying at best. You can shave, but that’s time consuming and can irritate your skin. You can wax, but perhaps waxing delicate areas is a bad idea.

In fact, every form of at-home hair removal has drawbacks. But we can help! Serving patients on in New York City’s Upper East Side, Drs. Jovanovic are certified and trained in laser hair removal, which is a nearly permanent solution. And if you get started asap, you’ll be rid of unwanted hair just in time to wear shorts and swimming suits this summer.

How laser hair removal works

It’s actually pretty simple. The laser sends targeted energy to your hair follicle. The pigment in your hair absorbs the energy, which damages the follicle, inhibiting future hair growth.

There are a few important things to understand. First, the more contrast there is between your skin color and your hair color, the better your results are likely to be. That doesn’t mean that laser hair removal won’t work if you have pale skin and blonde hair, or darker skin and brown hair, but you may need more sessions.

Second, your hair grows in different phases. There’s an active-growth phase, called the anagen phase, a transitional stage called the catagen phase, and a resting phase, which is the telogen phase. Laser hair removal is only effective on hairs that are in the anagen phase.

Since only a certain percentage of your hair is in the anagen phase, you’ll need several laser hair removal treatments over the course of a few weeks, or even months.

The results are nearly permanent

The only permanent form of hair removal is electrolysis, but laser hair removal is close. You’ll most likely need maintenance treatments once a year or so to maintain the look you want. Compare that to shaving several times each week or waxing every month or two.

One of the reasons that laser hair removal isn’t considered permanent is that you continue to grow new hair for most of your life, and because your body is genetically programmed to activate hair follicles at various points over time.

Preparing for your treatment

Before your treatment, you should protect your skin from the sun. You don’t want to tan at all, either in a tanning bed or outside.

You should also avoid plucking or waxing before your appointment, but we’ll probably ask you to shave the area the day before your session.

Following your treatment

After your treatment, it’s critical to protect your skin, as it may be more vulnerable to sunburn than usual. You may experience some redness, but it subsides quickly.

Our staff provides you with thorough aftercare instructions, as well as any products you may need to soothe your skin. You should be able to return to your normal activities immediately.

The texture and thickness of your hair make a difference in both how long your treatment will take and in how many treatments you’re likely to require. Dr. Jovanovic tailors your treatment plan to your needs so that you get the best possible results.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you can ditch the razor and bare your skin without worry. Call our office or book an appointment online and get ready for a silky-smooth summer.

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