How truSculpt Can Help You Slim Down Without Surgery

When you’re struggling to slim down and lose those excess pounds, surgery may seem like the only answer. While it’s certainly an option, the risks and side effects are probably enough to make you think twice, which is why Cutera’s truSculpt® may be the treatment you’ve been looking for to achieve a slimmer, healthier you.

truSculpt reduces fat with state-of-the-art technology

Excess fat on the thighs, hips, and abdomen can be difficult to remove through diet and lifestyle changes alone. Fat tends to be stubborn around these areas because it’s there to protect the vital organs, but in some cases, it can get out of control. Stress, genetics, and age can all play a role in retaining stubborn pockets of fat.

TruSculpt is a body contouring system developed by Cutera that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to tackle that exercise-resistant fat, revealing stunning results with just one to two sessions. The average session takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the specific area being treated.

Body sculpting is more popular than ever

It’s not unusual to be dissatisfied with your appearance and no one loves the idea of surgery, so it should come as no surprise that the popularity of noninvasive procedures to eliminate fat has grown by 20% since 2017, and body sculpting is undoubtedly leading that trend.

At Dr. Jovanovic OBGYN & Cosmetic Surgery, truSculpt is the treatment of choice when it comes to removing stubborn fat and helping you achieve the body you’ve been dreaming of. It’s safe and effective, and because it’s noninvasive, it doesn’t carry the risks and complications that accompany many surgical procedures, such as:

Even if a surgery goes smoothly, it’s usually painful and requires a long recovery and significant diet and lifestyle changes to prevent complications from arising in the future.

truSculpt eliminates fat cells for good

Using RF energy to heat the fat cells to a temperature they can’t tolerate, truSculpt destroys your fat cells permanently and they’re naturally removed through your body’s lymphatic system. It’s a pain-free procedure, and you’ll feel nothing more than a gentle warmth as the truSculpt handpiece is passed over the treatment area.

Your body contains a specific number of fat cells, and while they can expand or decrease in size, they do not reproduce. With truSculpt, you’re actually reducing the number of fat cells in your treatment area, which means permanent results.

What to expect from your truSculpt body contouring treatment

With a treatment session lasting around 20 minutes and no need for any downtime or recovery, truSculpt can easily fit in around your lifestyle and work commitments. In fact, many men and women have it done on their lunch break.

You can expect to see results within four weeks of your truSculpt session. For optimal results, we often recommend two treatment sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart, depending on the area being treated as well as your aesthetic and weight loss goals.

If you’d like to experience a slimmer, more contoured figure, call Dr. Jovanovic OBGYN & Cosmetic Surgery in New York, or book an appointment online today.

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