Introducing BTL EMSELLA™: A Ground-Breaking New Nonsurgical Remedy for Incontinence

Introducing BTL EMSELLA™: A Ground-Breaking New Nonsurgical Remedy for Incontinence

The passing years may bring hard-fought wisdom and experience, but they’re also accompanied by any number of unwelcome physical changes in a woman’s body that can have a far-reaching impact on how she leads her life. Leading the charge in this category is incontinence, an often embarrassing problem that puts severe limitations on your ability to lead a normal and carefree life.

Here at Dr. Jovanovic OBGYN & Cosmetic Surgery, we understand the effects that this condition can have on your life, which is why we’re pleased to bring a powerful weapon to bear in the war against stress or urge incontinence: BTL EMSELLA.

The BTL EMSELLA is a ground-breaking, nonsurgical remedy for incontinence that’s giving women in New York City their freedom back.

From the ground up

Urinary incontinence in women is hardly an uncommon problem: some studies suggest that 30% of women between the ages of 30 and 60 have bladder control issues. And this percentage only grows larger as women age past 60.

There are several reasons why incontinence in women is so prevalent, and most have to do with your pelvic floor. This aptly-named muscle group is located in your pelvis, stretching like a taut net from your pubic bone to your tailbone, and across to both sides of the pelvis. As part of your core muscles, your pelvic floor is in place to support your spine and hold your bladder and uterus firmly in their places.

When your pelvic floor is weakened, your bladder loses critical support, which can lead to both stress and urge incontinence, causing involuntary leakage. There are many things that can compromise the muscles in your pelvic floor, with pregnancy and menopause at the head of the pack.

Whatever the cause of your urinary incontinence, we can fight back with BTL EMSELLA.

Ditching the Kegels

The reason the FDA cleared the BTL EMSELLA system for urinary incontinence is that of its effectiveness. The system relies on a high-intensity focused electromagnetic field to stimulate your pelvic floor, causing your muscles to contract. In fact, if you’re familiar with Kegel exercises for strengthening your pelvic floor, you’ll recognize why this technology is a game-changer: During one 28-minute session, the BTL EMSELLA causes 11,200 contractions, which is about the same as performing 11,200 Kegel exercises.

And the best part? You don’t break a sweat. By tapping electromagnetic energy, which passes harmlessly through the surface of your skin to stimulate the muscles inside, all you need to do is sit back and relax while the high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology goes to work. In fact, you remain fully clothed during the noninvasive procedure.

After your treatment, you’re free to return to your daily routine while your pelvic floor gathers strength, regenerating to provide the support your bladder needs. On top of rebuilding the muscles in your pelvic floor by giving them a thorough workout, the new technology also leads to healthier tissue, which provides additional support.

Most of our patients undergo a series of six treatments — two per week for three weeks. Your results gradually reveal themselves during this time as your pelvic floor becomes stronger with each treatment. In the end, the BTL EMSELLA has a 95% satisfaction rate, with patients reporting a significant improvement in their quality of life.

If you want to put an end to embarrassing and life-altering urinary incontinence without resorting to invasive procedures, please give us a call to explore your options with our BTL EMSELLA technology. Or you can request a consultation using the online scheduling on our website. We look forward to helping you get back to an active, happy life, free from the worry that incontinence brings.

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