What Can I Do About Unsightly Varicose Veins?

If you have varicose veins, you probably wish there was a solution for making them disappear. No one likes the ropey, bumpy, blue veins that often appear in the lower legs. Good news: Dr. Jovanovic can make them disappear using cutting edge laser technology.
Why you have varicose veins
Have you ever wondered how your blood flows from your feet to your heart? Gravity still applies inside your body, and your heart pauses between beats, so why doesn’t the blood flow downward during those short pauses?
It’s because your veins aren’t simply hollow tubes. Instead, they have valves that close between heartbeats, preventing the blood from flowing back down. But over time, these valves can become weakened and allow blood to leak.
Along with the valves in your veins getting leaky, the pressure from the extra blood weakens the walls of your blood vessels, which is why they begin bulging. The result of all of these various processes is overly-full, bulging veins -- the varicose veins you see on your legs.
There are some things that make it more likely you’ll develop varicose veins. For example, if your job involves standing for long hours, there’s more pressure on the veins in your legs and ankles and those valves have to work harder. The same is true if you’re overweight or obese.
You may simply be genetically predisposed to developing varicose veins, as well. Pregnancy and age can also cause varicose veins.
Are varicose veins dangerous?
Most of the time, varicose veins are not a serious health concern, but simply a cosmetic issue. But they can be really uncomfortable and make you self-conscious about how your legs look.
If you have bulging, damaged veins deeper in your body, you may have a vascular issue that needs to be addressed in order to prevent a more serious problem. This is one reason that Dr. Jovanovic always performs a thorough exam using an advanced type of ultrasound machine when he is evaluating varicose veins.
Treatment options
Numerous treatment options are available depending on whether your varicose veins cause pain and what their underlying cause is. One thing you can do on your own that may help is to get more exercise. Exercise improves your circulation which can help with varicose veins.
Elevating your legs may be helpful. If you sit for long periods of time, take breaks to stand up and walk around. Similarly, if you stand for long periods of time, take breaks to sit as often as you can.
Dr. Jovanovic may recommend compression stockings, which help push the blood back up to your heart and can reduce any swelling you may have in your feet, ankles, and legs.
Sclerotherapy involves injecting a substance into your veins which causes the blood vessel walls to stick together, obstructing the blood flow. Eventually, the blood finds another path to take back to your heart, and the vein disappears.
Laser treatments also destroy the varicose vein, causing the blood to find a different way to flow. Because you have so many blood vessels in your body, getting rid of the damaged ones won’t hurt your vascular system.
Whether you have sclerotherapy or laser treatments, you’ll need to wear compression stockings and exercise regularly afterward in order to help improve your circulation. You may need multiple treatments.
If you’d like to learn more about the treatment options for varicose veins, book an appointment with Dr. Jovanovic today. He’s happy to answer your questions, provide an evaluation of your specific situation, and suggest a treatment plan designed for you. You can use our convenient online scheduling tool, or simply give our office on the Upper East Side of New York City a call. We’ll be happy to set up your appointment.
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