Why NovaSure Might Be the Answer to Your Heavy Periods

If you dread your period each month because it means missing out, on work, school, social events, or other activities, you may have heavy periods. Abnormal uterine bleeding is a real problem that can have a serious impact on your life. 

Dr. Kevin Jovanovic and Dr. Radoslav Jovanovic have helped women who have dealt with heavy periods for years achieve a more comfortable life. If you use more than one pad per hour during your period, if your period lasts longer than two weeks, or if you feel like you’re bleeding more than you’re not, NovaSure® may be a procedure for you to consider. 

Are you a candidate for NovaSure? 

You should only consider NovaSure if you do not wish to bear children in the future. Pregnancy after NovaSure can be dangerous. So if you’ve decided not to have children, or you’ve completed your family, NovaSure may be an option for you. 

If you have uterine cancer, or suspect that you may, you shouldn’t consider NovaSure. Additionally, if you have a uterine, genital, or pelvic infection you shouldn’t have NovaSure. 

NovaSure is designed to work for women who haven’t yet entered menopause, don’t wish to bear children in the future, and who are healthy but have heavy periods. Dr. Jovanovic always discusses your situation in detail with your before recommending any procedure, including NovaSure. 

What is NovaSure? 

NovaSure is an endometrial ablation procedure. It only takes about five minutes, and you only need to have it done once. 

During endometrial ablation, the lining of your uterus, called the endometrium, is removed. If you’ve tried birth control or other hormonal methods of controlling your periods and they didn’t work, NovaSure may be a better solution.

In the past, if hormonal methods didn’t work, the next step was a hysterectomy. NovaSure is a far less invasive procedure than hysterectomy. 

How does NovaSure work? 

During the procedure, Dr. Jovanovic inserts a specialized wand into your uterus. The wand contains netting that expands to match the size and shape of your uterus. Once it’s in place, a precisely calibrated radiofrequency energy is delivered through the netting to your endometrium for exactly 90 seconds. 

The netting is then retracted and the procedure is complete. You may experience some mild cramping, nausea, vomiting, or discharge following the procedure. However, these side effects are temporary. 

Psychological benefits of NovaSure

The physical benefits of no longer having heavy, debilitating periods are obvious, but there are other benefits as well. For example, have you ever planned an event around your period, or worried that your period would ruin an event? Maybe you’ve looked forward to vacation for months, only to find that you can’t enjoy it because it falls during your period. 

Do you find yourself worrying that you won’t have enough sanitary supplies to get through your workday? Or had the embarrassing experience of bleeding through your clothes? 

The psychological impact of heavy bleeding is often difficult to explain. After having NovaSure, you won’t have to worry about those kinds of things anymore. You can plan activities, events, and vacations without regard to your menstrual cycle. 

Ready to learn more? 

If you’d like to learn more about the options for treating heavy bleeding or find out if you’re a good candidate for NovaSure, book an appointment with Dr. Jovanovic. You can schedule online, or call our office in New York City at 347-589-8018. 

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